Spring Cleaning Made Easy

After surviving our Minnesota winter, it is time for spring cleaning!  Not only do you get to clean up around your home, but spring cleaning is the time for a full deep clean in your home.  Here are a few spring cleaning tips to help get your home ready for another year.

– Make your doormats welcoming!  This is the first area you guests will pass before entering your home.  After a long winter, your doormat is full of mud and salt from the winter and no one wants their guests to track that into their home!  Shake and wash your welcome mat to start this spring off with a fresh and clean invite to your home.

Carpets & Upholstery – All winter your carpeting has been collecting dirt and germs.  What better way to get them ready for another year than to shampoo your carpets and get all upholstery cleaned.  Here is a time saving tip – Instead of completely moving your furniture out of the room for shampooing, just move slightly and use small wax paper under the legs while carpet is drying.

Flooring – Flooring in high traffic areas of your home can use a cleaning.  Apply a sealer to help protect your floor from another year of wear and tear.  To save time, use a combination wash-and-wax floor cleaner.

Walls, Cabinets, Baseboards & Woodwork – You may not think your walls need a bath, but you’d be surprised how much dirt comes off when you take some soap and water and start wiping down your walls! When trying to reach higher places, a sponge mop can help make it easier for you.  Instead of having one bucket that you rinse your sponge in, have two buckets, one bucket for your detergent/washing solution and the other for wringing your sponge.

Ceiling & Light Fixtures – Remove dust and dirt from ceiling fans and AC vents with a cloth and a vacuum with a soft nozzle attachment.  A few minutes on a step ladder can make all the difference to get dust off of those beautiful light fixtures throughout your home.  You can even replace that light bulb that has been burnt out all winter!

Appliances – After being burrowed in your home all winter, there is bound to be crumbs and leftover dinner remains stuck in your appliances.  Wipe down the inside of your fridge, dishwasher, oven and microwave.  Don’t forget to check fans or coils that could use some cleaning too!

A few extra spring cleaning tips that help you save time are buying some magic erasers to erase those pesty marks on your walls or floors and using a window squeegee to get pet fur off of carpet and furniture.  So put down your electronics and get started on your spring cleaning! Let us know how our tips helped you!

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