Why Not Wallpaper?

When designers talk about wallpaper these days, they are referring to wall coverings for custom homes like yours, not the screens of our laptops and phones.

Designers are looking at current trends and asking new homeowners, “Why not wallpaper?”

Wallpaper is enjoying a renaissance. According to a recent Vogue.com article, Google data and Pinterest statistics indicate wallpaper-related searches are spiking.

Wall coverings date back to China’s Qin dynasty and have slowly evolved for hundreds of thousands of years across the west. Who can forget Jackie Kennedy’s Zuber wallpaper of the Boston Harbor in the White House?

As the design pendulum swings from muted to maximalist, wallpaper is a fabulous way to express your own taste and eclecticism. As many of you adjust to a new life working partially—or even full time—from home, never has personal, well-executed interior style been more important.



Wallpaper can cocoon a space and has wonderful acoustic qualities. The design can be playful or powerful, subtle or flexible, and when it comes to executing it on a personal level— it can feel more like a daunting commitment. Vogue.com shares these four helpful tips:


  1. Consider the size of your room. Don’t put small prints in a big room and big prints in a small room. Too small of a pattern in a large room can become fussy and annoying and too large can overpower the space.


  1. Take Some Time to Think. Wallpaper is an art form. It’s also a huge pain to remove or replace. Simply buy one roll and pin the paper up to your wall. Then leave it up for awhile. Look at it in the morning light, midday light, and evening light to be sure you love the way it looks in all its moods. And if you do, well that’s the one for you.


  1. Hire a professional to install. You don’t want to be disappointed with the way it looks when it’s up. Save yourself the heartache instead of a few hundred bucks to pay a professional.


  1. Go for it. Let the paper hold center stage, meaning: wallpaper is meant to be a statement, so allow it to do its thing. Go all in and be bold.



Good luck with your design projects and let your walls do the talking.




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